Sunday, November 2, 2008

Progress report --- Week 8

Progress completed this week:

--Cement floor of garage poured
--Eaves on garage roof installed
--Brickwork begun on garage
--Framing of addition section completed
--Trusses put up on addition. I'm much happier with the angle of the new truss. It blocks a bit of the upstairs dormer but not too much.
--Dragged the kids with me and spent two hours at Lowe's collecting yet more paint chips; holding tile sample against various countertop options; and browsing floor options for the garage studio.

Obstacles encountered this week:

--Wagner's not happy with the bricklaying work. Our brick pattern consists of bricks mostly of one color, with a few bricks of lighter and darker color interspersed throughout. The mason guy he has is not blending them adequately enough, in Wagner's opinion. He may end up getting somebody else to do it.
--I was too busy at work (getting my edited book manuscript finished and sent to the publisher by the deadline, which I made, barely). That meant I didn't have much time this past week to research and decide on toilets, paint chips, vanities, carpet, etc. That will be my mission for this upcoming week.

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