Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Temporary (I hope) setback

This morning we were harkened bright and early with the sight of a bulldozer and enormous dump truck pulling up to the house, to my son Isaac's great delight, to begin the serious excavation of the addition and garage area now that the laborious hand-excavating part has been completed.

I drove off to take the kids to school, but when I returned the bulldozer and dump truck were... gone! Turns out that the truck was too big to safely navigate the driveway and turn around the garage, and we will need to bring in a smaller truck. It also turns out that several of our (and the neighbor's) trees have branches hanging too low over the driveway, and we will need to get those trimmed before bringing the truck in.

Ah well. Fortunately it hasn't slowed work any, as there is plenty they can do in the meantime. Right now they're taking a jackhammer to the concrete floor of the garage to make the holes they need to install the supports for the new floor.

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