Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Big Dig

Today a new (smaller) dump truck was moved in, and the bulldozer had a busy day digging out the foundation for the new garage and smoothing out the construction area. Gravel was also laid down on a section where the dumpster will stored.

We also scheduled the cable guys to come out tomorrow. During the excavation, the crew had discovered that our TV/internet cable had only been buried a few inches deep, and there was not enough slack to either bury it deeper down or route it around the new garage. So we need to get either a new longer cable or an extension spliced on. I had a very difficult time trying to explain this to the cable company. First, there was no button to press on their automated menu to correspond to "press here if you need a longer cable," so I went with "repair" as the better alternative than "pay bill" or "sign up for new service." But the real live technician I eventually got to talk with kept asking what was wrong with our internet and seemed flummoxed when I told him that it was working perfectly; we just needed a longer cable. He eventually decided to send a technician out, just to get me off the phone, I think.

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