I'm behind on posting some photos. The garage study, which--for the benefit of any Fayette County Building Inspectors who might be reading this blog--I will emphasize is
not a garage apartment but rather a guestroom or study, was actually finished some weeks ago. Here's what it looks like. The first shot shows the kitchen area. These were our old cabinets we had in the main house kitchen before we renovated. The flooring came out great, I think. We ended up using a brand called "Konecto," and it sure looks like hardwood from a distance but is instead practical and easy-to-maintain vinyl. The refrigerator was a floor model clearance deal we got for a bargain because it had a small, imperceptible chip on one corner:

This shows the room taken from a different angle and gives a good view of the built-in bookcases that run all along one side of the room:

And here's the small but serviceable bathroom:

If Ludovico Einaudi ever plays around Lexington I know where I'll be staying! ;)
You're more than welcome to visit any time you're around! We've never had a real guest room before, so I'm looking forward to being able to offer people something a little more comfortable than a leaky air mattress in our basement. ;-)
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